Download BibleWorks

Downloading outside of the USA

If you are downloading Bibleworks from a location outside the USA, we recommend using this page. Also, if you are having difficulty using the other download methods, we recommend you use this page to download the program.

Enter your activation code

The installation files for BibleWorks 10 are stored in an ISO file. To download the ISO file for BibleWorks 10, please enter your activation code below and press the Submit code button.

The activation code is of the form BW10-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE and was sent to you when you originally ordered the program. If you do not have your code, you may contact us.

Download the installation ISO file

Please keep the following in mind when downloading the installation file:

  1. The download file is very large (20 GB) and depending on the speed of your connection, may take many hours, or over a day, to complete.
  2. Unless you have a very fast and stable internet connection, we highly recommend using one of the many free download managers available for PCs and for Macs.
  3. The setup program cannot be run until it is fully downloaded. The .ISO image filesize is as follows:
      BibleWorks10rev6.iso: 23,994,171,392 bytes
      BibleWorks10rev4.iso: 21,747,793,920 bytes
      BibleWorks10rev2.iso: 20,981,874,688 bytes
      BibleWorks9rev4.iso: 12,726,763,520 bytes
    Please verify the file size once your download is complete.
  4. Your temporary download link will last for 48 hours. After that your link will expire. Customers are permitted to generate a total of two temporary download links.

To download the ISO installation file, please read the instructions below.

[Please first enter your module activation code above.]

Back up your ISO installation file

We strongly recommend that you backup your installation file to some form of removable media. Without a backup of the file, you will be unable to re-install BibleWorks on your computer or on a new computer and will be charged a replacement download/media fee.

Please move to the next section to install the program.

Install the program

After downloading the .ISO image file, please follow these instructions to install the program.

  1. Verify the file size of your .iso file matches the file size given above. If it does not match, you have an incomplete download and need to resume or retry downloading.
  2. You will need to go the the folder where you saved the file. You can show your folders by holding the Windows key on your keyboard , and then simultaneously pressing the e key on the keyboard. The Windows Explorer will open:
  3. Navigate to the folder containing the .ISO file that you downloaded.
  4. Right-click on the .ISO file (usually named something like BibleWorks10XXX.iso) and select Mount or Mount Image.

    Note: If you are running a third-party program like Cyberlink or Power2Go, you need to avoid opening the .ISO file in those programs. Instead, right-click on the .ISO file and select Open with. Then, select Windows Explorer or File Explorer.
  5. This mounts the .ISO image file, and it will appear as a drive on your computer. When the installer image is mounted it should open a Finder/Explorer window.

    If when you attempt to mount the .iso file you get the message "Couldn't Mount File. Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file.", the download manager has marked your .ISO file as a "sparse file." To correct this, simplly make a copy of the .ISO file and attempt to mount the copy instead.
  6. Once the installer image is mounted, double-click on the setup (or setup.exe) program and follow the installation instructions shown on screen.
  7. Once installation is complete, you can dismount the drive (right-click on the drive letter and select eject/dismount).
  8. After saving any user created files (notes, diagrams, etc.), you may now delete your old BibleWorks folders from earlier versions of BibleWorks.

If you have any problems installing, don't hesitate to contact us.

Install on another computer

If you are attempting to install or re-install on another computer, you need to copy the installer file to the new computer. Depending on what is available, you can use a USB thumb drive or other portable storage device, or even your network to copy the module installer file to the new computer.

Once the installer is on the new computer, simply follow the installation instructions in the previous section.

Install the program (Windows XP/Vista/7)

After downloading the .ISO image file, please follow these instructions to install the program. Users running Windows 8, Windows 10, or OS X/macOS should folow the instructions above. These instructions below only apply to Windows XP/Vista/7.

  1. Verify the file size of your .iso file matches the file size given above. If it does not match, you have an incomplete download and need to resume or retry downloading.
  2. You will need to first install a utility that lets you mount ISO files as virtual DVD drives. The free utility we recommend is Virtual CloneDrive. You can download it here: Note: The program you want to install is Virtual CloneDrive, not AnyDVD.
  3. You will need to go the the folder where you saved the file. You can show your folders by holding the Windows key on your keyboard , and then simultaneously pressing the e key on the keyboard. The Windows Explorer will open:
  4. Navigate to the folder containing the module installer file that you downloaded.
  5. Right-click on the .ISO file (usually named something like BibleWorks10XXX.iso) and select Mount or Mount Image.This mounts the .iso image file, and it will appear as a drive on your computer. When the installer image is mounted it should open a Finder/Explorer window.

    If when you attempt to mount the .iso file you get the message "Couldn't Mount File. Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file.", the download manager has marked your .iso file as a "sparse file." To correct this, simplly make a copy of the .iso file and attempt to mount the copy instead.
  6. Once the installer image is mounted, double-click on the setup (or setup.exe) program and follow the installation instructions shown on screen.
  7. Once installation is complete, you can dismount the drive (right-click on the drive letter and select eject/dismount). If you are running Virtual Clone Drive you can dismount the drive using the VCD window (or just uninstall Virtual Clone Drive).
  8. After saving any user created files (notes, diagrams, etc.), you may now delete your old BibleWorks folders from earlier versions of BibleWorks.

If you have any problems installing, don't hesitate to contact us.
