
A special note to our friends

BibleWorks served the church for 26 years by providing a suite of professional tools aimed at enabling students of the Word to “rightly divide the word of truth”. But it became increasingly apparent over the last few years that the need for our services had diminished to the point where we believed the Lord would have us use our gifts in other ways. As of June 15, 2018 BibleWorks ceased operation as a provider of Bible software tools. We made this announcement with sadness, but also with gratitude to God and thankfulness to a multitude of faithful users who have stayed with us for a large part of their adult lives.

"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever (Isa. 40:8)."

Recent News

Current Issues - I am getting a lot of the same questions at I cannot respond to all of them. Please note the following:

  1. Upgrades from earlier BibleWorks versions are no longer available. We no longer have the requisite licenses from various database publishers. Versions older than 9 do not require online activation and should still work, though on high resolution monitors you will have to tweak the screen settings. I cannot help with that.
  2. If you followed the instructions below to reinstall on another computer and still get the activation screen, it likely means that the correct bw1000.exe file was never copied to the BibleWorks directory. It could be that you did not close BibleWorks before running the bwupdate10.exe program. It cannot copy over a running program. Check the date on the bw1000.exe program in the BW folder. It should not be years old. Also make sure that the update program is being copied to the correct location (the BW base directory).
  3. You can safely ignore a virus warning if you receive one while trying to follow the procedure to reinstall on a new computer. bwupdate10.exe does not have a virus. This is a false reading. You may have to temporarily disable your firewall or antivirus softeware. Sometimes informing your firewall that the program is Ok will work.

7/15/2024 I am still commited to enabling licensed owners of BibleWorks 9 and 10 to use the program for as long as possible. However, as of 7/12/2024 the BibleWorks Forum, Knowledge Base and Activation Server are no longer functional. This is due to changes in the MySQL system on the site that hosts BibleWorks. Getting the old web site working with these mandatory system software updates would be a major undertaking. It is, frankly, beyond my area of expertise. I am, however, providing a solution that allows licensed users to update the program periodically and reinstall when necessary on a new computer. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Install BibleWorks as usual and when the activation screen pops up, exit the prograam.
  2. Download a zipped file (bw10update.exe) by clicking one of these link:
  3. Copy the program to the BibleWorks directory (something like "c:\program files (x86)\bibleworks10") and run it by double-clicking on it in the File Expolrer. Please note that some Anti-Virus programs may incorrectly identify this file as containg a virus. You may need to add the file to the exception list in your firewall or ant-virus software, or disable them temporarily. You may also want look at the properties of the file (right-click plus properties) to make sure it hasn't been blocked by Windows.
  4. Run BibleWorks

This version of BibleWorks is licensed until the end of 2025. From that time forward you will be prompted to freshen the installation by running bwupdate10.exe (or bwupdate9.exe). At the end of each year I will take a look at the situation with regard to piracy and revaluate the manner in which the program is made available. You can insure the continued availability of the program by not buying hacked copies from places like ebay, and by reporting suspicious sales to me.

Keep in mind that the Youtube library of instructional videos is still available. See BibleWorks Instructional Videos.

Contacting BibleWorks

If you have an urgent need to contact me just send an e-mail to me at Please understand that this should be used only for emergencies. Bug reports on the new procedure would be a good example. I will try to read everything, but I cannot guarantee a response, especially if this generates a lot of e-mails. BibleWorks is closed and I have no help managing the remnant of BibleWorks users. I cannot provide assistance on how to use BibleWorks. If I ever find the time to build a new forum, I will make an announcement here. Please try to understand. Few companies would try to provide any help many years after shutting down. Friends that I made over the quarter century of BibleWorks operation will have my personal e-mail address and are welcome to use it as they have since the shutdown. May the Lord bless each and every one of you to rightly divide the Word of Truth. This world is in desperate need of faithful expositors of scripture.